Social Media

Internet, cell phones, iPods, TVs, and more. All of these items are considered social media and influence our lives in more ways than we can imagine. Everyday we are caught up in the whirlwind of media. I, myself, use many different forms of social media such as; Facebook, Skype, cell phone, and blogging. It is common for people to use forms of social media without even realizing it, daily.

A very common social media used today by every age is Facebook. Facebook allows almost immediate interaction with people across the world. Facebook is a free website, but is funded by advertisements that appear on the perimeter of the screen. Many of the different types of social media used today are free unless you, personally, upgrade them. I have not found that neccessary with anything that I use. I am just fine with the generic version because it was created in the first place to get the job done.

I believe that social media plays a huge role in our society today. It is useful in connecting with old friends, passing information onto others, and voicing your opinions. Some people say social media is preventing people from the face-to-face experiences that have the most meaning, but I disagree with them. In some cases, if you need an answer immediately, the only way to get it is to give them a call or send them a text. It is difficult at times to be able to travel to a location just to ask a quick question.

Social media is a positive component in my life. I am constantly using some type of social media. I feel like it is very important thing in college students lives. It helps us to find information quickly and efficiently. It also keeps us in contact with friends from high school. It also is helpful to connect with our professors in cases where they forget to give us an assignment or they are emailing us a link or if we just have a question about an assignment.

I would be surprised if anyone claimed that social media is a negative component in life. The only reason I could think of would be that it takes away the face-to-face communication. That can be fixed. If someone so desires, they can move their body over to the person to speak to them. It would take more time than just shooting a quick text or chatting on Facebook, though. I am not saying no one should bother with face-to-face encounters, because that is very important in life as well. I am simply stating that not every part of your life needs to be in person. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually almost all communication was virtual. Skype is directing us down that road. It at least still keeps the personal feel since you are able to actually see the person you are conversing with.

Without all of the new social media technology, less communication overall would occur. Social media is not used in complete replacement of any source of communication. It is simply an easier and more convenient option to resort to at times.

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