Everyone Needs Some Humor in Their Lives

Two years ago, a college girl named Allie was procrastinating. She did not want to study for her physics final, and therefore she decided to create the blog titled “Hyperbole and a half”. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ Allie has an interesting way of writing her blog posts. She incorporates self drawn pictures throughout her blogs to help tell her story.

The way I came across this blog was by a Yahoo search for “Humor Blogs”. The first link I clicked on gave me a list of the most popular blogs in many different categories. “Hyperbole and a half” was voted the Best Humor Blog for 2010. I decided to check it out, and I must say I was impressed. The style of writing Allie does is to entertain people. Her goal is not to be informative, but just to be funny and to make others enjoy reading it. Her blog is just for fun, although it is now a part-time job of hers. She earns moeny from the ads and other things on her pages to be supported a bit. She completely enjoys this job. Many of Allie’s ideas come to her as she was doing insignificant things in her daily life. She has now learned to carry around a pencil and small tablet with her at all times, just incase an idea springs upon her.

Allie writes about things that have happened to her in the past. In her most recent blog post, she tells a story about when she was a child and her mother hid a cake from her. She ended up getting revenge, but paid for it by being sick. She drew many pictures describing her situtation. The picutres were perfectly incorporated into her blog and I feel that they added quite a bit to it.

I am impressed by Allie’s blog. She has a lot of unique ideas that I never would have considered using before I read it. She really enjoys drawing the pictures for her blogs and likes to use many graphics. I have not yet put any graphics in my blog as I am not entirely sure how to. In her FAQ section, she mentioned that she normally spends about eight to ten hours on each blog. This includes the drawing of all of her pictures. Even though the pictures seem to be done by children, she spends a lot of time perfecting them. She admits to the fact that they are “shitty”, but she likes how they look and they add a whole new dimension to the blogs.

I would prefer to write blogs the way Allie does. She does it for fun, and is not graded on anything. She doesn’t have a specific subject to write on, or a time when it needs to be completed by. She simply blogs for the fun of it, and does it on her own time. Blogging about my business major is not high on my list of priorities (no offense Prof. Albrecht!). I enjoyed blogging about my life in the lifestyle blog.

I would reccommend everyone to read “Hyperbole and a Half” because everyone needs to add a little more humor to their lives. It’s not a serious blog, it’s just there to entertain. The blog is easy to read and doesn’t have any social issues brought into it. Two years ago, Allie made a great decision to procrastinate and create this blog. (:

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