My Six Best Posts

Throughout the first semester of college, I was required to create a Blog for one of my classes. We were supposed to post a total of about 13 blogs and also create video blogs. At first, I thought the class would be an “Easy A” and I wouldn’t have much to worry about. We only had to post about one blog a week, but the blogs were harder to write than I had first expected. I assumed that I would be writing about my life, and it would be as simple as that. In reality, we had to write about blogs we had found and enjoyed, we had to give our opinions on issues in the world, but we also were able to write a couple Lifestyle Blogs. The Lifestyle blogs were my favorite to write because they were the easiest for me, since you cannot be wrong while writing about your own life. This is why the order of my six best blog posts is as follows:

I chose this as my number one blog because I had the most fun writing it. The first time I wrote it, it was extremely long and unorganized, but I went back and revised it to make it shorter and flow easier. It was the easiest for me to write because it was about my college experiences so far. Lifestyle blogs are my favorite type, so obviously it would be near the top.

This was my second favorite blog I wrote simply because it was commentary, and I was therefore able to provide my opinion on an issue. I thought my reasoning was well laid out and I had solid points in it.

This was my third favorite blog because it was easy to write since I was interested in the topic. It mostly just felt like a book review, and I was able to give my opinion on the books and movies and provide reasons for people to read and watch them.

This was my fourth favorite blog because the blog I wrote about entertained me quite a bit. I still look into it every once in a while. “Hyperbole and a Half” was interesting to me, and also the type of blog I had assumed I would be writing from the beginning of the year. It was merely for entertainment.

I chose this as my fifth favorite blog because it made me think about the pros and cons of social media. It made me look past the obvious uses of internet and other technology.

This was my sixth favorite blog. It was the first blog I had ever written, and I was pretty excited about posting it. I had already been knowledgable about the topic I was writing about so it didn’t take long. I also think it was one of my better written blogs because I put quite a bit of thought into it, hoping to impress the public. It helped that I didn’t have to research any of the information because I already knew what I wanted to write.

I can’t say that I will update my blog religiously when this class is over, but it is something I will check on every once in a while. This class has made me realize that there are a lot more people in the world who blog than what I originally thought. I don’t think my blog was read by too many people who were not in my class, and it would have been nice to get more feedback and comments so I could better my blog from outside sources. Overall, it was a good experience, but not my favorite college experience.

“You’re a Wizard, Harry.”

Midnight movie premieres, midnight book releases, book tours, and movie marathons. After seven books, seven (eventually eight)  movies, and so much hype it puts Jersey Shore to shame, Harry Potter is coming to an end. It has been over ten years since the first Harry Potter book was released. Since then, it has become a phenomenon. It’s very rare (and upsetting) to find a person who has not read the books or seen the movies. I will not lie, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I have read the whole series at least eight times.

When the Harry Potter craze first began, both my brother and I kept up to speed with the books, and we were extremely excited when the first movie was released. When we went on family vacations, my mom would read the books to us during the long car rides. After a while, we became annoyed with her reading to us as she had a tendency to read ahead and give something away. We then began renting books on tape which probably sounds old school, but the man reading the books had a British accent and was pretty entertaining.

For those of you who have not heard of Harry Potter, I will give a brief overview. The entire series takes place in England. No one is exactly sure where the school is located as it was never disclosed. The wizarding world (yes, wizarding) is very competetive and the three main wizarding schools did not wish to be spied on by the other schools. Therefore, they kept there location a secret. The beginning starts out with a young boy who is just about to turn 11. He lives with his aunt, uncle, and cousin who are not kind to him. Mysterious things begin to happen around him and he is told that he is not a muggle, which is a non magical person, but a wizard who had extremely famous parents. He is also told that he is not just a wizard, but a wizard who is very well known and famous. Throughout the series, it is discovered that the wizard who killed his parents is still alive and searching for Harry. Many people of the wizarding world attempt to protect him, however; not all of them. Harry is a boy who doesn’t necessarily enjoy being the center of attention or hero of the day, but he ends up in those situations constantly.

There is much too much to try to summarize into this small blogpost because I just could not do JK Rowling justice. She does a fantastic job of tying everything together throughout the seven books and leaves no one hanging at the end. No loose ends are left. The books are a bit longer than many other books, however, I feel as though if they were any shorter, they would not be as good. The length is perfect for the great amount of detail she puts into them. There is nothing I can think of that JK Rowling could have done to make this series better. The only thought that comes to mind would be to write more books, however, as most people have noticed, when sequels and more are created, they begin to lose the momentum and quality they first recieved. As much as I would like to keep reading on about Harry’s life, I feel that Rowling stopped at the perfect point.

I feel it is necessary for everyone to both see the movies and read the books to get the full effect of this great series. Despite the fact that one character, Robert Pattinson, is shared between Harry Potter and Twilight, they are not similar in the slightest. In my opinion, Harry Potter is at least six times better.  After all these years, I will miss Harry Potter and the rest of the gang.